中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所 发光学及应用国家重点实验室,吉林 长春,130033
张亮亮, 张家骅, 郝振东, 等. Cr3+掺杂的宽带近红外荧光粉及其研究进展[J]. 发光学报, 2019,40(12):1449-1459.
ZHANG LIANG-LIANG, ZHANG JIA-HUA, HAO ZHEN-DONG, et al. Recent Progress on Cr3+ Doped Broad Band NIR Phosphors. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2019, 40(12): 1449-1459.
张亮亮, 张家骅, 郝振东, 等. Cr3+掺杂的宽带近红外荧光粉及其研究进展[J]. 发光学报, 2019,40(12):1449-1459. DOI: 10.3788/fgxb20194012.1449.
ZHANG LIANG-LIANG, ZHANG JIA-HUA, HAO ZHEN-DONG, et al. Recent Progress on Cr3+ Doped Broad Band NIR Phosphors. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2019, 40(12): 1449-1459. DOI: 10.3788/fgxb20194012.1449.
Near infrared spectroscopy and imaging technology had been applied in fields such as food analysis
early diagnosis of cancer
and brain science. However
this technology was still suffered from lacking of broad band near infrared (NIR) light source. To solve the problem
phosphor converted broad band NIR LED (pc-LED) developed into a promising solution. This review summarized recent progress on the decisive material of NIR pc-LED:Cr
doped broad band NIR phosphors. Applications that demanding broad band NIR source
technology of current broad band NIR source
and luminescence property of Cr
were introduced. Some important topics for Cr
doped broad band NIR phosphors
such as efficiency
band width
electron-phonon coupling
and application
were also discussed. This review will help readers to understand recent progress
and future of Cr
doped broad band NIR phosphors.
LEDnear infrared lightphosphorCr3+broad band
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